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Sustainability consists of fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising those of the future. It’s a goal that must be worked towards holistically through the forces of ‘society’ (ensuring equitable access to critical resources), ‘environment’ (preserving and regenerating the earth’s resources) and ‘economy’ (creating a structure that meets the needs of the future). For the sake of our society, our environment and the economy, focusing-in on sustainability has never been more important.

At Kin + Carta we’ve kept ourselves aware of this obligation, mindful that the imminent and dire challenges ahead will require technology’s support in solutioning. And to get to that solution, innovation will be required. That’s why this year we launched an internal grassroots hackathon that was centered on using innovation to advance sustainability.

Named The Sustainability Challenge, this hackathon was organized by Kin + Carta Labs — a collective group of employees who connect ideas and teams together to define Kin + Carta’s tech, UX and business value perspectives on emerging technologies. Labs is an outlet which gives employees from any corner of the business a space to play creatively and explore new, challenging projects, so that we can educate and inspire our clients to make the world work better through innovation.

The guiding question of the Sustainability Challenge was: How do we build experiences to help advance sustainability?

And after six months and the involvement of over 150 Kin, four projects were showcased to the firm in their MVP state. Hear about the projects from the Kin involved in the video below:

It’s inspiring to see what a group of passionate Kin can do. Through the use of innovation and the outlet of Labs, employees at Kin + Carta succeeded in driving sustainability initiatives forward, beyond how they exist today. And it’s our work in the sustainability space that’s just gotten started.

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