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Getting access to the right data to drive rapid change

  • 30 March 2020

How do you cope at a time when your content needs can change by the minute? Government announcements, stock shortages, changing opening hours: these are just a few of the factors in play. It’s also a time when customer journeys matter more than ever – how can people get the information they need as simply and quickly as possible?

In the digital age, solutions are available to harassed marketing teams struggling to cope with daily developments. Rapid optimisation is where instant data at your fingertips feeds into a clear understanding of customer needs and quick win content updates.

Understand the impact

The good news is that you can get the data you need without fresh investment in MarTech.

Many of us already use analytics tools like Google Analytics. So you are only a few clicks away from launching and implementing data visualisation technologies like Google Data Studio (a free technology!). Everyone who needs to know can know through dashboards that are simple to use and easy to share, giving you answers to questions such as ‘what are the new journeys our visitors are now taking?’ or ‘where do we need to support our loyal customers?’

Having live behavioural data at our disposal ensures that content, UX and marketing plans can be adjusted within hours and the impact of the efforts measured and refined again to make them even more effective and relevant for visitors.

Additionally, A/B testing technologies mean we can implement insight driven changes and hypotheses more quickly than ever before. It enables us to cut through the red tape that can coil around the release processes of many businesses.

In the short term, having access to tools such as Google Optimize is a great way to cope with the current situation. But once you’ve realised the power of the software, it could well play a central role in the way your team operates after this crisis has finally passed.

Chris Regan - Lead Optimisation Strategist, Kin + Carta

A time to listen

There has never been a more important moment to understand the needs and wants of your visitors and customers. Our needs and wants will have changed and businesses need to adapt to that.

We should start using this period to implement Voice of Customer technology trials, which will allow you to have more qualitative evidence of exactly what your customers are thinking or feeling at this time. Asking the right questions and gathering journey feedback gives you the insight you need to create a roadmap for change that truly resonates with your target audience. 

Usabilla, for example, can help enterprise brands to integrate real-time feedback across digital channels and uncover actionable insights to understand customer journeys and ultimately improve digital experiences. Pairing this data with platforms for session recording, such as Hotjar, can enable you to identify the right changes that need to be made.


Developing the right plan of action

Of course, rapid change requires human leadership and the right strategy as we all try to adapt. We’re finding that decision making needs to be decisive and putting bureaucracy to one side is the sensible thing to do. Projects that took weeks or months now need to be implemented in days. We all need to change our mindsets to make things happen. 

Diagram showing data and voice of the client as referenced in text

With little time to think, the good news is that implementing and running new recommendations and updates on your site is not as complicated as it sounds and can be achieved in hours using technology you may already have available. Your copy and content teams should also be prepared to react just as quickly as your fresh insights are generated. They’re going to find their jobs challenging but rewarding over the coming weeks and months. Working together, you can make a difference in this difficult time.

Need help during this hectic period?

We’d be happy to offer expertise that allows you to rapidly generate the right insight and optimise the experience, making the best of this difficult situation. We’ll also be running a ‘how to’ session in the very near future. Just get in touch and let’s arrange a video call.  

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Watch this space

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing practical help on how we can all come back stronger after the Covid-19 crisis and make our world work even better. Look out for more details.