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Create and promote your highest performing content

  • 06 May 2020

In recent years, Many CMS vendors have focused on adding additional functionality to their Digital Experience Platforms (DXP). These bells and whistles have included personalisation, machine learning, commerce and experience tools. Yet, the success of all these new features is still dependent on the quality of your content.

Great content sits at the heart of every website and digital experience – it drives interest, engagement and ultimately conversion. But how can you ensure that it’s working and optimised to drive maximum ROI from your platform?

Gathering by the fireside

Episerver identified this issue and enhanced its DXP offering with the purchase of Idio at the end of 2019. This powerful content personalisation and analytics platform enables Episerver to push forward its content intelligence and recommendations capabilities.

This was the subject of the first of a series of Episerver Fireside chats – a joint initiative between Episerver and Kin + Carta –  to discuss the role of content and how clients can utilise the power of the Episerver Content diagnostics tool. 

Attending the (virtual) chat was Chris Purcell – Episerver Product Manager – who was joined by host Paul Gruffydd, Technical Director at Kin + Carta & Episerver MVP, and Mike Davison, Data Strategist at Kin + Carta.

Uncovering the 'why'?

The team kicked off by discussing how content strategy has traditionally been created based on gut feel combined with retrospective analytics. This is largely due to the challenge of collecting real time data. Whilst this is effective in uncovering the content that has driven a defined action,  it doesn’t show why customers interacted with specific content and how that should drive future strategy.

Idio helps solve this by analysing your content in real time. It uses a natural language processing model combined with a library of 20 million topics to look at each piece of content on the site. As users move through your site it will store the clickstream with the topics they were exposed to and see how they responded to those topics. From that it builds an interest profile at an individual user level which is incredibly powerful. It shows which topics are working for you and where you want to focus your attention.

Extra intelligence 

The team also discussed how the content diagnostics tool allows you to analyse:

  • The content items you are producing and the topics you are referencing
  • How users are interacting with your content, what topics your users are most interested in and the topics driving most interactions
  • Topic performance based on interactions and volume of content helping to identify the best performing topics.

The data from Idio can be filtered by time, source or medium allowing you to analyse your content performance by topic in real time. With time and resource at a premium, this helps ensure your team is focused on the content driving your defined goals. 

Episerver as part of their ‘Come Back Stronger’ campaign are offering the Content Diagnostics tool free for the next 90 days so this is a great time to test and see the value it can deliver.

What came out of our chat was the ability of Idio to promote the right content, create more of the highest performing content and increase visibility of the most effective content.

Paul Gruffydd - Technical Director, Kin + Carta

I was really excited to team up with Kin + Carta Connect to talk about how their strategic ability and the power of Episerver platform diagnostics can result in truly effective content. Our 90 day offer means you can try it for yourself.

Chris Purcell - Product Manager, Episerver

Please let us know if you would like any further information on the Episerver Content Diagnostics tool or for any support around helping define your content strategy.

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