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BIMA 100: 2022 | Morgan Kainth

BIMA 100 2022

The BIMA 100 shines the spotlight on the individuals who are defining the future of Europe’s digital industry. It doesn’t concern client projects or specific case studies, but is instead designed to champion the changemakers who are helping make the world work better for everyone.


We’re thrilled to introduce Head of Strategy, Morgan Kainth, who has made this year’s list thanks to her thought-leadership and resolute strategic vision.

What does it mean to you to be recognised as one of the individuals who is shaping the future of Europe’s digital industry?

This was the hardest question to answer! It was completely unexpected to be honest - but a pleasant surprise of course. Obviously, I’m very proud to be recognised for the work that I’m doing, but it’s not really ‘my bit’ that I think is what deserves recognition. It’s all of the work of the strategy team and the wider craft communities at Kin + Carta. It’s them who are working with some of the biggest organisations in the region to help them think about what a digital future really means, and how they can build sustainable businesses from it. 

How did you feel when you found out you’d made the list?

Frankly, like a bit of an imposter - but don’t we all..?

What do you love about being part of the digital industry right now?

How fast everything is changing. I think what’s really interesting is how we are now firmly at the end of “iteration 1” of digital transformation. We’re now able to see - mainly from our brilliant failures - what ‘good’ looked like - not just ‘do digital’, but the how and the why and the when that motivates decisions.

I love the real rigour that’s been brought back into the industry: what actually makes sense for us to invest in right now based on the future we want to see and the opportunity to do more / better / faster / more sustainably? Rather than throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks, what’s really interesting to me is working out what’s sticking and, most importantly, why. 

What’s the greatest thing we can do as an industry to build a world that works better for everyone?

I think to be considered with our approach and really make sustainability part of every conversation; going beyond an immediate need and thinking about the impact. 

We previously used digital as a solution to problems—specific business problems that a given company was facing at a given time—but now, it’s really about thinking in terms of that broader problem space and what role digital plays and the impact it can have on our lives, especially now that we literally carry it in our pockets everywhere we go.

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting their digital career?

I think the best advice is to encourage curiosity: stay really curious and always think beyond the superficial. Really interrogate the question, and your gut answer (even if that’s the one that ends up working best!)

As the industry matures, we’re going to be in a position where it’s the depth of thinking and not necessarily the breadth that’s going to set you apart; whether you’re an innovator, a sustainability aficionado, a technician, a strategist - or anything really!

What’s next for you?

For me, my focus is supercharging Strategy capability at Kin + Carta. We’ve got a great core practice, supplemented by a lot of strategic thinkers dotted around the organisation, sitting across our craft areas. In our post-pandemic hypergrowth it’s been hard to thoughtfully consolidate all of that amazing talent and apply it to the next 10 years of digital innovation, but it’s a massive opportunity and our biggest differentiator. A lot of that ultimately comes down to sharing more of the work and the thinking behind our mission at Kin + Carta: building a world that works better for everyone. 
Morgan, Eve and David at the BIMA 100 awards
Morgan Kainth, Eve Ofosu and David Tuck at the BIMA 100 awards

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